Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Connecting with a Crystal

     Crystal meditation can add a twist of mystery and intrigue to meditation. All things have natural frequencies; so, too, do crystals, which give off a pleasing resonance provided they are pure. (That is, no ki has been stored into them.)
     One of the points of crystal meditation is to connect, consciously, with a crystal. Instead of focusing on a mantra or image, you focus on a crystal that you hold in your hands. 
     It requires a great deal of focus. You will only achieve the connection if you are serious about doing so. But, once you've acquired the skill, you'll be able to talk with the crystal, and it will talk back.

    With that said, here's how to do it:

1. Assume a meditative pose. Any. 
2. Cup a crystal in between your hands. Any of your choice. (Apparently, different crystals provide different benefits; but, a connection can be established with all of them).
3. Focus on establishing a connection. Your mantra will be any phrase that helps you think of joining with the crystal. 
4. Imagine you are entering into the crystal; your mind is becoming "one" with the center of the crystal.
5. You will enter a deep state of meditation.
6. This part will vary depending on what happens. Sometimes, the crystal will let you know you've connected. If not, ask, and if you receive a response, then you've done it. 

If you're wondering whether you've accomplished it or not, give me an e-mail. I'll help ya out. 

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